Berefet screen
Project 2012-2014. Berefet screen
Encouraged by the good reception of the Bee Farm project, and with the satisfaction of having been able to provide 100 hives to the town of Berefet and of having been active elements in the transmission of a solidarity behavior towards our students, Mirada Oberta and the Ramon Llull school start our solidarity action again.
Thus, maintaining our commitment to continue working to identify and meet the needs of disadvantaged groups, we are ready to contribute to the development of fishing in the town of Berefet by building a wooden pier that allows fishermen of the community mooring and unmooring boats in an agile manner.
Once again, we focus on opening the eyes of our students, so that they grow and train attentive to the difference of their environment, and can integrate it into their day-to-day.

Although it has been a difficult and laborious project, we have finally succeeded; the quay is already firmly rising in the middle of the Gambia River.
It took 2 years of hard work, wood felling, pillar props and finally the final lifting. It took a lot of men, a lot of strength, a lot of technique, a lot of nerves but it was finally achieved. The pillars of the small "port" of Berefet have clung to the ground, supporting the wonderful pier that already rises firmly in the middle of the Gambia River.