Mirada Oberta aims to create a direct link between the school and the real problems of the disadvantaged populations of The Gambia, thus encompassing two areas of action: Cooperation and Awareness,
so that the awareness of our educational community leads us not only to the economic contribution of a funding problem but also to social awareness, to achieve a more humane and active relationship that generates mutual benefit by avoiding _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_of the cold economic bond.
In this way, and based on the design of action strategies, we propose to link directly and actively part of the educational community (parents, teachers and students), focusing on the framework of basic skills and solidarity, rather than in the strictly charitable.
That is why from Mirada Oberta and with the school, we want to:
Give our students the tools they need to develop an understanding of social reality.
To transmit to our students those values that will form them as good people, in the broadest sense of the word.
Give our students the necessary tools and strategies that will help them understand the meaning of our solidarity work.
Enabling solidarity to be a differentiating feature of our students.
Improving the living conditions of people who have not had the same opportunities as our students.
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MIrada Oberta